Thursday, September 10, 2009

OpenSecrets | Supreme Court Poised to Overhaul Parts of Campaign Finance System - Capital Eye

Can it be true that these justices deem corporations as worthy of election influence as PEOPLE? Oh, please! If their expert advice is needed on an issue they can be heard by Congress AFTER the election.

OpenSecrets | Supreme Court Poised to Overhaul Parts of Campaign Finance System - Capital Eye

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Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Another Bob Adams' Fake Grassroots League of American Voters missive

This from Bob Adams, League of American Voters:

Dear Friend:

Late last week I was simply shocked by a letter I received. I was sitting in my Washington, D.C. office when an office assistant said an urgent letter had been delivered to our office. I opened the letter – from the League of Women Voters – demanding that the organization I run – the League of American Voters – cease to exist!

Incredibly, the letter was signed by Mary Wilson, the president of the League of Women Voters. Wilson makes no bones about it – she wants me and the League of American Voters to shut down because she doesn’t like our views opposing Barack Obama’s radical health care plan.

Dick Cheney Started Out Scary and Got Worse

Talk about a movement toward fascism? Bush/Cheney tried really hard.

Click here for the full story.