Saturday, June 12, 2010

More Choices Than Capitalism and Socialism As They've Been Practiced

Plutocracies are allowed by the citizenry in equating its meager EARNINGS to the UNEARNED INCOME of those in control of a society’s finances. Several monarchies were brought down when the citizens finally called FOUL.

YES, the elite wealthy are most guilty of robbing the citizenry by paying less than the full economic cost of their operations, i.e. less than living wages/benefits, and less than the operations’ full environmental cost. I challenge anyone to show me an outfit paying the full economic cost of their operations. Who buys the laws protecting their thievery? They do.

It is under-considered to view capitalism and socialism, as they’ve been practiced, as the only available choices.

Hard work/societal contributions are, IMHO, commendable, but, as with everything, there isn’t just one consideration.

Does someone who toils at hard labor the same number of hours a Wall Street gambler sits in their lofty office deserve so much less compensation?

Does a full-time caregiver contribute much less to society than a CEO raping the labor and resources of others?

Do those without more than themselves for whom to be responsible, possessing more free time to work, merit more compensation than those fulfilling extra-self responsibilities?

Does a person raised without a stable home, one wherein education wasn’t stimulated, deserve less than those afforded such advantages?

Does a person without greater intelligence deserve to be trampled by those with it?

Human nature, certainly, includes positive and negative aspects. Which of these are we to applaud and reward in reaching for a better society?

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