Friday, August 14, 2009

Health Care Reform - Who should pay the bill?

I'm just a progressive not happy with the status quo.

Much of this can apply to issues other than health care. Roads, utilities, military, disaster relief, etc. - all for the common good in the long run.

Income tax - MUCH less for those just making it month-to-month. MUCH more for those making out like bandits - especially on unearned income. Give actual PEOPLE the same tax breaks businesses have.

Equalize with a national sales tax - much higher on luxury/excessive purchases.

Tax not just the liquor and cigarettes, but all the health vices, such as pot along with high sugar, high fat, and high salt foods.

HUGELY increase the Estate Tax for wealthy decedents. Why would the middle class want to pick up the tax burden left by decreasing this tax? It only enables the continuity of financial dynasties.

A wealth tax, as many states currently have in the form of intangible tax.

Higher tax on personal and estate trusts. Having worked in the Trust industry for over eight years, I can tell you with certainty that they are nothing but tax shelters.

If you're middle class and sick of taxes, demand that the wealthy pay a greater portion of their wealth's real economic cost. Their wealth was produced by YOU.

Remove corporations from the political & election processes. Put the per capita election contribution limits in a range such that all PEOPLE can speak to the politicians in the same decibel level. Big pharma's and big health insurance's voices are WAY too loud in these processes.

Encourage finding efficiencies in the system. Dwelling on the past is unproductive. Dwell on how it can get better. I like the idea of each of my health care providers having all my health information, so that duplications are foregone, incompatible medications aren't prescribed, etc. Make suggestions for efficiency!

Coincidence that health care costs have risen with the rise of corporate health insurance and pharmaceutical companies? I don't think so. The sooner the companies get some non-profit competition, the better.

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