Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Stop The Election Corruption - Fair Elections Now Act


In this election season, politicians have been hitting the trail with tired rhetoric, partisan corruption allegations and pep rallies.

One thing we don't hear is how to correct the political corruption machine that drives politics.

Politicians have no choice but to sell their souls to the big-money interests funding their campaign operations. Campaign money is the political currency, like it or not.

The Citizens United ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court cemented the low standing of citizens in free speech allocation. Corporations and their astroturf lobbyists have the right to be heard as loudly as their money can speak, which is many decibels louder than the average citizen can muster.

Businesses have profit imperatives and are not defined by moral imperatives.

On the whole, people do have moral imperatives. We lost our way when we granted citizen rights to soulless entities.

The Fair Election Now Act is currently the best tool for gaining a more citizen-based campaign funding system on the national level.

Orange Park

Posted at the Florida Times Union August 24, 2010 here, 2nd letter down.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Silence is Deafening

Posted in the Florida Times-Union June 17, 2010:


This is our beautiful state that keeps us here and provides much of our industry in tourism, facing an environmental disaster born of our dirty energy addiction.

Our leaders do not advocate for clean energy. Where are the incentives for solar panels, wind energy technology and tidal energy capture facilities?  We are abundantly blessed with the clean resources Florida has to offer.  How are JEA and their complicit dirty-energy partners involved with our state and local politicians?

I want to hear real discussions and see real progress in breaking our addiction.  Even from this coast, the Gulf silence is deafening.

Orange Park

Saturday, June 12, 2010

More Choices Than Capitalism and Socialism As They've Been Practiced

Plutocracies are allowed by the citizenry in equating its meager EARNINGS to the UNEARNED INCOME of those in control of a society’s finances. Several monarchies were brought down when the citizens finally called FOUL.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


By Andrea Thomas

The best argument in favor of the for-profit business model (FPBM) is that it creates jobs and new project investment. Now, however, it is clear that the unbridled FPBM will ultimately take our economy down, further divide socio-economic classes, further harm our environment and act immorally. It concentrated income into a few elite wealthy people, a status that precipitated both the Great Depression and our recent Great Recession. It made the poor poorer. It allowed environmental nightmares such as the Gulf of Mexico oil leak. It allowed this Great Recession. It promoted greed at any cost as good, turning its back on social responsibility.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Military Procurement - An Example of Government Waste and Contractor Abuse

Yes, there are ways to bring government spending under control by better monitoring waste:,2899219

Freedom is the Big Illusion

By equating our tax pain and earned income with the elite wealthy tax annoyance and unearned income, we undermine our own capacity to build wealth:

Check out this "How unequal are we?" article:

Modern Serfdom in the USA

Our financial system is built to keep most of us in veiled servitude, subsidizing the elite wealthy.  Freedom is an illusion as we struggle to eek out a month-to-month existence (M2ME).  We're free to earn as much as our elite/corporate masters allow us to.

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Greed Is The Creed - Is the Non-Profit Model the Way Out?

Where greed is the creed, as with our current form of capitalism, there is very little chance for the under-classes to truly succeed past a month-to-month existence (M2ME). My consumer view of corporations eschewing sensible long-term business strategies in order to please controlling stockholders for the short term, coupled with my long experience working for corporations and seeing those with the coldest hearts and/or family ties rising to top management tells me that most top management got there by living the greed creed.