Saturday, March 06, 2010

Greed Is The Creed - Is the Non-Profit Model the Way Out?

Where greed is the creed, as with our current form of capitalism, there is very little chance for the under-classes to truly succeed past a month-to-month existence (M2ME). My consumer view of corporations eschewing sensible long-term business strategies in order to please controlling stockholders for the short term, coupled with my long experience working for corporations and seeing those with the coldest hearts and/or family ties rising to top management tells me that most top management got there by living the greed creed.
Profit is most often gained by taking advantage of someone or something, be they employees, customers, the general citizenry, natural resources, etc. - not paying the full economic cost of operations. That their profit is at the expense of others’ efforts/resources yields it subject to greater taxation.

Imagine that folks were paid more according to tangible contributions to society, enough to rise above the M2ME, versus according to financial shenanigan aptitude. Those folks could collectively be more charitable to the charities of their choice, versus the charities of Bill Gates’ choice.

In my lifetime, abuse of financial power and perpetuation of financial dynasties will keep most of us in veiled servitude to the elite. That doesn’t mean I’m going to sit through it quietly.

At the moment, non-profits seem to be a route out of the greed creed, while maintaining our productivity.

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